A Patchy Warrior
Born: July 25, 1995
Weight: 345 lbs. Height: 45 inches at withers

Warrior is a well-rounded llama who has always stood out for his easy going disposition. He has excelled in the ALSA performance ring and earned the challenging ALSA "Performance Champion" title. He has his Recognition of Merit (ROM) in obstacle, public relations, pack, halter and has points in driving and get of sire. His offspring have shown that he is very dominant in throwing his stable temperament and 'touch-ability'. They have also done well in the ring.
Warrior also enjoys packing. He has earned his PLTA Master Packer title and has participated in numerous backcountry treks.
ALSA #L1567
AWARDS Warrior has demonstrated an outstanding ability in the show ring. He has been shown at halter in heavy, medium and light wool types as styles and classifications have changed, yet he has consistently won high placement. His awards at halter include:
- ALSA Recognition of Merits at Halter
- 2002 Wyoming State Fair -- Grand Champion
- 2001 WILA "A" & "B" -- Grand Champion
- 2000 Western States Regional -- Medium Wool Reserve Champion
- 1998 Rogue Gold -- Medium Wool Grand Champion and Best in Show
- 1998 COLA -- Medium Wool Reserve Champion
- 1997 Oregon State Fair -- Medium Wool Reserve Champion
BFF A Patchy Warrior excels as a performance animal. His accomplishments include:
- ALSA Recognition of Merits in Pack, PR and Obstacle
- 2002 Rocky Mountain Regional ALSA Show -- Performance Grand Champion
- 2002 ALSA National Show -- in top 10 in every class
- 2001 Wyoming State Fair -- Performance Grand Champion
- 2001 Laramie Co. Fair -- Performance Grand Champion
- 2001 WILA "A" & "B" -- Performance Grand Champion
- 1999 Rogue Gold -- Performance Reserve Champion
- 1998 WILA -- Performance Reserve Champion
Besides his outstanding performance in the ring, Warrior has also earned ALSA points in Driving classes.Warrior is an accomplished pack llama. He has participated in numerous backcountry treks. He is a PLTA Master Pack Llama
BFF A Patchy Warrior is a proven producer. His offspring consistently inherit his presence, correct conformation and gentle manner. They have proven themselves in the ring as performance animals and in the backcountry as fine pack animals. Both sons and daughters have done well in the ring as well as earn their PLTA Pack Llama Certificates. Warrior has earned ALSA points in Get of Sire.