UC Wahoo
TBL Moon Shadow X Meah
Born: October 1, 1997 Weight: 360 lbs., Height: 46 inches at withers
Wahoo's sound structure, athletic movement and regal presence caught our attention when we were hunting for a light-wool male.He has proven himself as a breeder by throwing offspring carrying his unique traits.
Wahoo has is an excellent packer who enjoys being on the trail and has numerous pack trips to his credit. In 2010 he earned his PLTA Extreme Pack Llama title, becoming the second llama to so. Wahoo won the 2006 Central Oregon Llama Association String-along competition, where he was twice named Reserve Grand Champion Light-wooled male.

Wahoo enjoys hard work and his even disposition has a calming influence on the other llamas in his pack string. We are currently training him for carting at which he is proving to be a 'natural'. His offspring show excellent conformation and outstanding intelligence. Wahoo's sons have all made excellent packers, as demonstrated by the string shown here. All of these llamas have earned their PLTA Master Pack Llama certification and work extensively in the backcountry.