Burns Llama Trailblazers Champion Working Llamas
Burns Llama Trailblazers Champion Working Llamas









The Special Edition

Born: October 14, 1994

Conchero (full Chilean) X Bo Peep HE18

Weight: 385 lbs.
Height: 46.5 inches at withers

The Special Edition

Ed was successful in the ALSA show ring and was a PLTA Master Pack Llama. He was an exceptional packer who easily handled the rigors of the trailless outback. Ed completed numerous backcountry treks. He regularly served in the tail position on an eight-llama string; a position that requires expert 'trail sense' in our rugged country.

In the show ring Ed achieved his ALSA Halter Championship and ROM title quickly and was also successful in the performance rings earning his Recognition of Merit (ROMs) in obstacle, public relations and pack. He has been awarded overall performance champion at one show and reserve performance champion at three.

Ed's size, willingness to please, desire to work, and athletic ability have been passed on consistently to his offspring, many of whom also are pack llamas and perform well in the show ring.

ALSA #1264

AWARDS include:

  • 2000 National ALSA Show Light Wool Male -- 8th in a class of 18
  • 2000 Western States Regional -- Light Wool Grand Champion
  • 1999 Rogue Gold -- Medium Wool Grand Champion
  • 1997 COLA -- Medium Wool Reserve Champion
  • 1997 Oregon State Fair -- Medium Wool Grand Champion
  • 1996 COLA -- Medium Wool Grand Champion

The Special Edition was an experienced performance animal. He was shown 17 times at halter. Those classes have earned him 32 points and his ALSA Recognition of Merit (ROM) at halter.

His accomplishments include:
Ed and offspring packing at Wildhorse Lake on Steen's Mountain
  • 2004 WILA -- Performance Champion
  • 2004 COLA -- Performance Reserve Champion
  • 2002 WILA -- Performance Champion
  • ALSA Recognition of Merits in Pack, PR and Obstacle
  • PLTA Master Pack Llama

Besides demonstrating his abilities in the show ring, The Special Edition was an excellent pack llama. He participated in numerous backcountry treks often workinng in a string of eight studs and geldings. He was a PLTA Master Pack Llama.

The Special Edition was proven producer. His offspring consistently inherited his presence, size and drive. They have proven themselves in the ring as performance animals and in the backcountry as superb pack animals. Both sons and daughters have earned ALSA Performance and Halter Championships as well as PLTA Pack Llama Certificates. 'Ed' earned ALSA points in Get of Sire. He continued working until he was 18.

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Page update: 23JAN22
Most recent website update: 02FEB2022
© Burns Llama Trailblazers LLC     herd@burnsllamatrailblazers.com